Saturday, January 9, 2016

Turkey Soup

JLYes, it's time.
I finally feel like I have gotten over too much turkey for Christmas and am ready to make a turkey soup from the bones that I saved from Christmas dinner.
Or perhaps it is the leftover rice in the fridge that has gotten a bit too dry to incorporate into anything but a soup.
I freeze anything and everything that can be tossed into a soup. When there is enough for a soup into the pot it goes and we end up with a delicious dinner that costs almost nothing to make. 😊
So here goes....
Take the turkey bones and add enough water to cover.
I like to add a couple of bay leaves at this point for flavour.

 Let boil for a couple of hours to get all the flavour and goodness from the bones.
Separate the meat from the liquid with a strainer so no bones end up in the soup.

Now when the meat is cool enough to handle, separate the meat from the bones and add the meat back into the liquid. 

 Now for the veggies. All I have is carrots, onions and some celery. I also have that rather tired rice from a few days ago.........

So I chop
4 carrots
4 stalks of celery 
1 large onion

Next....add to soup and simmer for 1 hour

Add some soup base, Bovril, or whatever you have on hand to taste, along with a bit of salt and pepper

At this point I decide to add a few frozen vegetables just to add a bit of colour and to stretch the soup a bit

That's it.... Soups done..

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